Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Fame at last!

Hey my six word story competition entries at  Inscribemedia got a mention (see below).  Now I've just got to translate the success to a story that's longer than six words!

The team at Inscribe have now judged our free six-word competition. The set-up was ‘It’s the year 2013, add 2, 1 and 3 and you get six, six is the number of words in supposedly the finest flash fiction story ever written For Sale. Baby Shoes. Never Worn (attributed to Hemingway but probably not by him). The challenge is a short story in six words.”
The standard was high but in the end the £50 prize goes to Mark Shadwell for
‘Facebook - daughter found. Friend request rejected’ (because it made us cry)
We also particularly liked
‘Sale. Coffin . Due to time waster’ by Amanda Huggins (because it made us smile)
‘She waits patiently at his grave’ by Erin Gaven (because it made us wonder)
and two from Anita Goodfellow. ‘Congratulations, Mrs Kray. Healthy twin boys’ (because it made us laugh even though we should not have) and ‘Doesn’t Hannah look like her uncle’ (because it‘s naughty!).


  1. Yay for you!! Which one are you going to develop into a story? One about Hannah could be quite interesting.

  2. Congratultations, have to get your fingers typing now!
