Saturday, 9 November 2013

Short-list Success!

I have just found out that my Au Revoir short story, which I entered into the Global Short Story Competition back in September, was one of six short-listed.    This story grew from a creative writing exercise I did with my creative writing group where we wrote a short story using the following prompts:- moving house, a funeral, starting a new job and the end of an affair.  In my usual gloomy style I chose “a funeral” as my prompt.    They patiently listened to me read it out and gave me valuable feedback so thanks!  The story can be found under the short story section of this blog.    


  1. Yay for you!! I loved this story and its lovely twist at the end. We should bring champagne to writer's group tomorrow!

  2. Well done, that's great news! I'm sure they received a lot of entries, so being one of six shortlisted is a massive achievement. I remember the story well and thought it was well worth submitting somewhere. I was right!

  3. Thanks Evelyn and Vanessa. The feedback you both gave me really helped. Although I didn't win being shortlisted is definitely a step in the right direction!

  4. Looks like that tap,tap,tapperty tap on the keyboard is paying off. well done.

  5. Oh well done! It's a great story too and deserves being short-listed

    1. Oh thanks Victoria. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.
