Saturday saw me up early and on
my way to London to attend the Writers & Artists’ "How to Hook an Agent" Workshop. Having completed my novel, The
Gift, I felt that I needed some guidance on the submission process before sending
it out to agents. The workshop was made up of sessions on
knowing when your novel is ready, what should be included in a submission
package, how to pitch your novel and what appeals to agents in a
submission. The first session was lead by Ed Wilson (Johnson and Alcock) and Juliet Mushens (UK Literary Division
of The Agency Group). The next session
was lead by Juliet Pickering (Blake Friedmann Literary Agency) and Hellie Ogden
(Janklow & Nesbit). All the agents
were professional, encouraging and unintimidating.
The session ended with a ten minute one to
one meeting with one of the agents where we were given the opportunity to pitch
our novel. I was nervous about my ten
minute session, but I had done some research and chosen the agent whom I felt was
right for my novel. I needn’t have
worried, as I was made to feel instantly at ease. I linked up with some other interesting
writers too. I learnt another valuable lesson - most of the other attendees seemed to have business cards so I must get some
printed - much more professional than scribbling my contact details on a scrappy piece of